The List

Shannon and I have started keeping a mental list of restaurants that are not worth going to anymore. Most of them used to be decent but are now just blah. That puts them on the list. Some places may be just not good because they do not offer anything healthy--or what they make we can make better at home. That is probably true for most restaurants really, but sometimes it is just nice to eat food someone else has cooked and let someone else take care of the dishes.

Anyway, the current list. I'll add more as we remember them.

1. Marie Callendars. They seem to be cooking their tv dinners to serve to us.
2. Coach's. Used to be so yummy. Now so blah.
3. Spaghetti Warehouse in Tulsa. It is hard to ruin spaghetti and meatballs, but wow. And iceberg lettuce?
4. Outback Steakhouse. I've just never been a fan.

The Good Ones:

Local: Vans, Victoria's, The Earth, Sweet Basil, JR's, The Mont
The Chains: Cracker Barrel, OTB, Pei Wei, Chickfila


  1. Oh man WE think this every time we go out. So disappointing everything tastes like it all comes from the same place!


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