July quilt #2: All the Things . . . finally

This week I finished up a quilt that has been long in the making, at least long for me. Several months ago, I rounded up all of the leftover blocks I could find. Some were in a bin I had set aside for such things, and others were in scrap bins and mixed in with donation fabrics--someone else's leftover blocks. I slowly started piecing those together. I would find more and add them to the quilt. In a few places I needed to add a strip of fabric to finish out a row or just make the piecing work with all the different sizes. I think I finally finished the top at the end of March.

Once I finished it, I decided to keep with the leftover theme and use a solid quilt that a friend had brought to me. One side of it was worn, but the other was in good condition. I pin-basted the quilt top onto the worn side and then decided I would do some hand quilting with chunk thread. This is where I hit the wall. The quilt was fairly thick, making it hard to use the hoop I have used in the past when I've quilted something by hand.  I was also just not very good at it and the dog liked to sit on it while I was trying to work on it. And for me, it was really a project that needed a good movie or three to complete, perfect for the winter when I would rather be inside, but not so much for the spring.

This month I decided to finish it. I started quilting it by machine horizontally and vertically about every 6-8 inches. I finished a few more areas of hand quilting too, and then called it done. 

I was really starting to dislike it, mainly because it was just not getting finished, but also because I could only see a little bit of it as I worked on it and it just looked like a mess. Now that I see it all at once, it's not so bad. 
