out and about

As preparation for a mission trip in July, I headed to my parents' church in Tecumseh each night last week to teach at Vacation Bible School.

It was fun, but also made for a long week. The kids were great though, and it refreshing being among old friends and family, and to get to prep a bit for our trip. I feel more prepared, although I still need to buy some rain boots. And a rain coat. And sunglasses. And dig out some warmer clothes.

I also worked in a little sewing time last week, slowly at first. I must have been really tired. My daughter sorted my pins for me while I did some piecing.

I think that day I was finishing up the blocks for this ginormous "baby" quilt. I read the directions and noted the size but it just really didn't sink in.
This is it today when I tried to lay out all the blocks on my queen size bed. I thought about taking off some blocks to make it smaller, and giving them a doll quilt with it, but just decided to finish what I started.

This is the other one I've been working on this month.
That one has been in prep mode for months (blocks cut and in a box) and it was time to get it done. I'll have pictures of it tomorrow. I have one more that is ready to piece together too. It is making it easier to finish my three a month by picking three that are mostly done. :)

My son did a weekend trip to Cross Timbers camp with these guys.

So he missed another turtle rescue on Monday morning. This one was outside our church. These turtles all seem to be heading north, if that means anything. And here he is in happier surroundings (for a red eared slider):

He also missed a family Father's Day meal.

He will get to enjoy another one this weekend though, and I waited for him to get back so we could all visit my grandpa. He had a blast at camp swimming in an actual creek and playing gaga ball and some other games that he now wants to recreate in our backyard. At least we can put some scrap wood to use that way, although I would prefer that he use it to make his chicken coop. Maybe.
