Way, way back in 2013 I bought 4 packs of 5" squares from Urban Chik's Dream On fabrics. They were almost out of circulation at that point (I think it was released in 2010 based on this post), so I was really happy to find them. I had found a few vintage sheets here and there, some as full size sheets and a few cut as fat quarters, and all of that went into a bin to wait for inspiration. Sometimes it just takes awhile. Then last year blogger Jeni Baker posted pictures of her vintage sheet four-patch. I realized that I could cut the 5" squares into fourths for the 4-patches, and the other sheets into 4 1/2" squares, and finally have a quilt out of this fabric. These happy fabrics would finally be out where I could see them rather than tucked away in a box on a shelf.
As I finished the top and started trying to decide what to do for the back, I was sad to see that I had only one strip of vintage sheet left. And I haven't been able to find them locally for a couple of years, if not longer. So I dug through the rest of my fabrics and found a couple more that have that same feel. I used some leftover 4 patch blocks to join those together, and had the backing I needed. I love being able to use what I have on hand--it definitely pushes me to be more creative!
So glad to have this quilt finished and piled on my bed to inspire big dreams.
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