another year

At the beginning of the year, I thought about making one of those collages that people were making and putting on their blogs. I thought I could pick one picture from each month. Impossible. I couldn't even pick one from January when there wasn't many pictures to choose from, let alone later months like May when I got to go to Craft Weekend or June when I got to go to North Africa and Paris. It was an amazing year with so many surprises. Like getting picked for Craft Weekend. And another family trip to Santa Fe but in a new rent house in a completely different area.

I also tried looking at my past list of Dreams, or a Life List, or whatever you want to call it. I couldn't really find one that I made last year. I found the one on here from two years ago. It looked more like a To-Do list than a Life List. And I treated it that way, more as a list of plans than dreams. I guess it's the interior designer training in me showing through. I also told myself I wasn't going to do one this year.

But this year is my 40th birthday, and my 15th anniversary. I AM making plans. One thing I hope to do--and will do--is one special "field trip"/vacation each month. This month it is the quilt exhibition that I will attend tomorrow. Other months it is something bigger, like a family trip to Florida in June and Kodiak, Alaska in July (not a family trip). I have about half of the months already planned. I'm thinking about the others, but I also know that God likes to surprise his children so I'm leaving some room. I will at least have some great pictures to put on this blog--something other than quilts!

I will also make a few quilts, though, so don't worry.
